This last Sunday (June 12th), I had the opportunity to listen to a keynote speaker who was addressing graduate students in their commencement event. This speaker was a woman with a long list of academic titles, plus a solid field experience, including scientific research. Her voice, energy, and message hit us all very strongly, and must have caught everybody's attention. I want to comment on two great elements of her speech, which I believe could well be translated into lessons spiritists could take home and think through them as we work on our own spiritual and moral transformation.
We, as a group, can lit the way
Each of the graduate student sitting in the room was compared to new "light" that, when close together, may have the power to illuminate the way for an entire generation. This immediately led me to think of our work at the Spiritist Center, and to think of all the others at work in so many other Centers. The outcome could be wonderful if more and more "new spiritists" are "formed" every year, and if the number of spiritists keeps multiplying indefinitely. Then, think about using the logic of that keynote speaker: each new Spiritist is a new light, and, if they march together on the spiritualization of people, their power would light up the world, eventually. I will let you figure out how we (spiritists) have been doing in terms of lighting up the road, but we can't argue against the power of group work.
The way to achieve goals in this life
The speaker talked about a few steps that it might take to get things accomplished, and to meet our goals, or the goals of society: connection; determination; purpose; and action. In her example, she mentioned the need to connect with nature, because nature is a fundamental part of and plays a fundamental role in this world. And nature is also a creation of God, therefore it comes from the same source we come from. The speaker then reminded everyone that "we do have the power", as she elaborated on "determination"; we just need to leverage that power we have inside us. Under “purpose”, the idea was that we need to understand the process and have a plan that will support our way to goals. Finally, she moved on to “action” --- and this seems to be self-explanatory.
Now, let's think about "spiritual assistance", the service we offer on Wednesdays in our Spiritist Center. Here is how I would briefly translate the four steps the speaker talked about:
1. Connection: We need to empathize with the persons looking for assistance. That is, establish that heart-to-heart connection, which, per se, will help the needy quite substantially, as they feel heard, understood, and not alone.
2. Determination: Let's try and help with one clear mindset: Yes, we can help, and more so when we think of ourselves as a group of "lights", as discussed in the prior topic.
3. Purpose: yes, we can have a meaningful purpose. In other words, we can keep studying and improving our understanding on how Spirituality provides assistance to the needy, and how we can constantly improve the way we might serve as instruments of their blessings.
4. Action: nothing can stop us, the workers of Bezerra de Menezes, when we work along the lines of what Saint Exuperry (Overnight Flight/Voo Noturno) taught us: "Love is not looking at each other's eyes, but all looking ahead in the same direction".
Thanks for your attention. I thought I should share with you these enlightening moments at the commencement.
God bless you all
June 13, 2011