Monday, May 2, 2011


Hello friends,
It is Monday, 5/2/11. This last weekend (Friday/Sunday) I spent two and half days in Camp Erin, Homestead, FL, where about 50 kids from the Miami Dade area were offered a free program designed to help them overcome the pain of having lost someone they loved. Some have lost a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, or others in the family that they miss. The age of the kids ranged from 6 to 17 years old. This is fully packed program where the kids are able to express their feelings in several different ways, while also enjoying sports and other recreational activities. I was the "Big Buddy" of 3 kids, 11 years-old (two other kids of my group did not show up).  
All those kids have something in commom: they have lost someone, and for most of them it is very diffilcult to talk about that without getting emotional. Some cases involve suicides and homicides. Some of the kids will eventually overcome grieving, and some will have difficulties to do it because of the circumnstances of the loss (may have been traumatic to them, like suicide).

One theme well explored in the program is our "connectedness", in the sense that we are all connected, even with those that are no longer living with us, and that we will meet our loved ones again one day. It is interesting to notice that when men come accross some situations they can't possibly handle they revert to God and surrender the issues on His hands. That is the case of "life" -- men and science have no definite control over it.  But it also happens in many other cases; for exemple, with substance addicted people (alchool and other drugs). Their lives come to a point where they have to surrender themselves, and accept the fact that only a "higher power" can help them as they feel completely hopeless and helplesly unempowered. The support group programs that exist to help these addicts, like the AA (Alcoholics Anonimous), have a great deal of faith and spiritualism as the base of their programs. An "AA" meeting also ends with the Lord's Prayer.

It would be great if most people did not have to "hit bottom" in this life to turn their eyes to God.




  1. Parabéns Gilberto, magnifico trabalho. Que o mestre Jesus seja o bálsamo para o alivio das dores dessas crianças. Deus te abençoe, e abençoe todos esses irmãos que estão passando por essa experiencia.

  2. Very interesting Gilberto, there is not many programs on Bereavement Support for children in Miami Dade County, acording to experts in the area, there are an under-served population in need of professional assistance. Congratulations for your participation and for sharing your experience.
