Friday, July 15, 2011


When we say things like  "I want to be happy", "I am not happy", "I am sad today", or "I am suffering from such pain...", who are we referring to? I know this question seems funny, but I invite you to think about it for a minute. 

Does the spirit suffer from physical pain? If not, then, when we are "suffering from pain", it is our body that does, not our spirit. So, there is difference between "suffering" and "unhappiness". Similarly, when we feel sad we implicitly mean that that are moments when we are not sad. Could our million-year eternal self be so vulnerable to daily disappointments? Or be so enthused about eventual and short-lived moments of joy? To make things even more complicated, when we say "I want to be happy", are we thinking about our day-to-day terrestrial life, or do we want our spirit to be happy and keep this happiness throughout our lives? 

Maybe, by now, you agree that the question posed at the beginning "who are we referring to?" is not exactly funny. But the solution for this little puzzle is actually very simple. I will, however, comeback with the final part of the story a little later. First, I would like to hear your thoughts about the above. Feel free to send them in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. 

Talk to you soon. 
July 15, 2011    


  1. Testando
    Addressing tech issues...

  2. Dear Gilberto and friends, we have been told that we are created simple and ignorant, and through a process of succesives material lives, we become more knowledgeable intellectually and with better understanding of the moral (Divine laws). The closer we are to our "creation" the more we are subject to the "desires and needs" of the flesh. In time,the process of awakening become shorter in every material existence and as we, as spirits, progress, our material lives or reincarnations become more productive for our spiritual advancement and living the material life every time more with a spiritual perspective. The daily material life is everything for the spirit not awake yet, his /her awakenings can ocurr early in life, later on or maybe never in that life, again, according to his/her degree of understanding and progress achieved. When we put a sheet over a baby's face it will take some time until he/she is able to remove it, this analogy can be used in reference to the veil that covers our memories during every new reincarnation, how long it takes to remove the veil or partially see through? It will make a big difference in the way that we perceive our life.


    Luis Salazar

  3. When we are not in-tuned with our spirit, how are we ever suppose to be truly happy? Of course we suffer, but why do we suffer? We suffer due to our lack of knowledge of what truly IS. That is our existence in this world, and that existence is to learn and to become one with the gospel.
